In school, my brother and I could not have been more different. I was practically a savant when it came to english, history, or composition classes. He had a difficult time with reading comprehension, but was a whiz at math. In fact, in the first grade, I sat with the 5th graders for reading class, and in 5th grade, I came in second place in a district wide spelling bee. The only reason I lost was because I really had to go to the bathroom really badly. My brother would have been out in the first round at the spelling bee, but he can tell math jokes. When he explains it, you can see why its funny, but because I don't know anything about trigonometry, I sort of am lost. A scientist would find it side splitting.
In school, I did fair in Algebra class, but really needed
Algebra 2 help. I think it was a combination of things. I had an Algebra teacher who really knew his stuff, but had a hard time explaining it if you felt a little left behind. I can't blame it on him, really, because there were kids who did outstanding in his class. I just couldn't hack it. I think had I had an
Algebra tutor I would have understood it better, maybe because they would understand that I learned just a little bit differently.
I have recently discovered that there is
free online algebra help available. Tutorvista has tutoring available for the K-12 age group in a variety of subject but really does an excellent job with the algebra tutoring they offer. Many children do well in math, but are lost when the concepts become abstract.
I popped on to the site. I didn't ask a math question, but I asked the thing that popped into my head first.
The tutor informed me that they don't have help for History class, but they do definitely have help for biology, mathematics, physics, and English. Everyone can go to the site and get a 10 minute demo while being helped, and then there is a monthly fee or weekly fee you can pay for unlimited help in unlimited subjects.
Have you tried it out? If so, tell me what you think?