Saturday, February 03, 2007

Wife Dressing

In a recent Wall Street Journal Article, Tom Ford tells men to not have their wives dress them.
He says "in doing that they are denying their ability to express themselves through clothes."

There has been a long tradition of women buying or selecting clothing for their husbands. Perhaps it is because women traditionally did more shopping than men and it was a matter of convenience.

There is also a lot of press about the "woman's touch." In numerous films and television shows, an old run down house or a bachelor pad is the back drop and a character comments that it "could use a woman's touch."

There is also truth to the fact it is true that sometimes the picture in one's head of the effect one has in a selected outfit is not always the reality. One may hang on to a comfortable hair style and "5 lbs ago" pants a little too long and could use the validation of a trusted peer rather than people walking down the street pointing and whispering.

So, do you think Tom Ford is correct, that men should prevent their wives from selecting wardrobe items, or do you think he has it all wrong and wives save their husbands from embarrassment on a daily basis?

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